How to take revenge punish a person make a person suffer

How to take revenge punish a person make a person suffer

How to take revenge
punish a person
make a person suffer

How to take revenge on a person so that you really punish him? Do you want to make this bastard suffer and experience torment for everything he did to you? Our criminal services website is available to you. We provide a wide range of cruel actions.

First of all, we are talking about contract killings, we write more about this on the main page of our website. We are an English-language service, but we are a branch of the largest international criminal group in the world. We conduct dialogues mainly in English, but if necessary, we can use a translator.

Contract killings, kidnappings, fatal poisonings of people to order, show executions, rapes on camera, organizing accidents, imitation of street robberies, this is only a short list of typical services for our performers. There is no better way to take revenge on a person than to truly destroy him.

On the Internet you will always be offered childish methods of revenge, harmless and frankly idiotic, with such methods of revenge, you will only cause laughter in your enemy. Civilized society trains itself to be worthless, weaklings and weak-willed cowards who cannot, as in ancient times, shed blood for blood. If you have been offended, humiliated and insulted, then the best thing you can do is to order the murder of this person.

Of course, you can try to kill him yourself in any way, perhaps you will even succeed and it is possible that you will remain unpunished. Everything is possible. However, in reality, everything is very complicated and if you are not a professional criminal killer, then most likely you will not have enough courage, cruelty, or professional skills for such an action. Trust our people! The modern world provides modern opportunities, for anonymous payments in cryptocurrency, we will really punish your enemies.

The following revenge options are available, such as various forms of murder, kidnapping with subsequent torture on camera, fatal poisoning or imitation of suicide of the chosen victim. Yes, it is not cheap, but it is real revenge and the most worthy way to punish the person who offended you and caused you moral damage.

Write to us at the contacts listed on our website, preferably in English. We have people in any developed country in the world and not only, this business has long been put on stream and is a small branch of the main criminal network. The leading bosses of this criminal syndicate decided to give all the opportunities to expand the influence of the criminal community, including through the Internet.

Now, having no criminal connections and friends among the bandits in everyday life, you can contact us anonymously and our people will carry out the most brutal crimes on your order. The 21st century has given you and us such an opportunity, act decisively and everyone who is guilty before you will be punished!

All information is available in the menu sections of our site. There is a text translator plugin on the site. It is visible on the right at the top of the screen. You can choose any suitable language for translation.

Or perhaps you have a built-in translator in your browser. The fact that we negotiate in English only means that we are an international service. The person with whom you will conduct a dialogue is only the service operator, this is not the one who will directly fulfill your order. Remember this.

Hire a Hitman – Aggregator of contract killings operating worldwide!


  • I want to take revenge on a person for all the bad things he did to me, tell me how I can punish this bastard?
  • What is the best way to punish a person who humiliated me?
  • The best revenge is to kill your offender.
  • If you decide to take revenge on your enemies for the troubles they caused you, then just order their murder from killers and their severed heads will be sent to you filmed on video.


Here are some frivolous options for revenge that are published here just so you understand that there is no point in such useless methods at all. Don’t pay attention to such nonsense, just order a normal method for your situation. Your enemies will be punished for real.


One day I went to the post office, and there was an elderly woman in line in front of me who needed to buy just one stamp. Of course, considering such a customer a waste of time, the woman at the window sighed, tore off the stamp and carelessly threw it on the counter. The stamp flew over the counter and landed on the floor, but the employee did not apologize or offer another. After a second of thought, the elderly lady picked up the stamp, left the money in the same place on the floor and with a cheerful cry of “Thank you!” left the building.


I’m sitting in a coffee shop. The people sitting across from me are being really loud and rude. They just came up with a great name for their new business. I just bought this domain name.

I went into a store one day, there was only one register open, but I wasn’t in a hurry. The cashier, a very young girl, was trying her best, but the process was still a little slow because she stuttered and lisped a little. And while she was serving the line, asking everyone all the questions she was required to ask, the man behind me started puffing and getting irritated, muttering that he was late, etc. I didn’t care until he started mimicking her, turning to his children. They started laughing, and they didn’t care that the cashier could hear everything.

That really pissed me off. When it was my turn and the girl asked if I had heard about their bonus program, I looked back at the man behind me, not without a bit of malice, and said, “A bonus program? Sounds interesting! Can you tell me more?” At first she was surprised, but I turned around again, and it became clear to her. Never in my life had I dictated my information so slowly, never asked so many questions as I did that time. The girl smiled and told me everything I asked, while the man behind me was seething with anger.

Finally, he couldn’t stand it any longer and said, “Please, can we do it faster?”
Me: “I can’t miss the opportunity to get these bonuses!”

It only delayed him for about 5 minutes, but it was worth it.

I live in a private house next to a conservative couple and their twin sons (about 8 years old). Like all children, they like to play in the yard, but this didn’t bother me. It didn’t bother me that they were constantly throwing their action figures, balls, plates, paddles and other toys over the fence at me, but it really irritated me when their parents demanded them back. I mean demanded, not knocked and apologized, not asked, but demanded that their toys be thrown back. I think they even liked it when their kids threw their toys into my yard.

One day after Christmas, I went to the store and discovered that they were selling a bunch of Barbie dolls, nail polish, Bratz balls and other toys. I bought a bunch of girly stuff, only things that my neighbors would definitely not like. From that moment on, every time a toy flew in, I returned it along with the Barbie, each ball flew back along with another – pink. I also threw in some nail polish, and the twins went crazy. They loved it, and for the rest of the week they had pink, purple and green nails.

In 2 days there was not a single toy lying in my yard, my parents did not yell anymore. But their children were having fun and my little revenge was a success.

One day my family and I went to a bar to have dinner. The parking lot was full, I saw that one of the customers was about to leave, and decided to wait a little to take his place. As soon as he drove away, the place was immediately taken by a car full of young girls. I rolled down the window and said that I was waiting for this place on purpose, but all I heard was: “Not signed!” Furious, I found another place and went to have dinner.

The girls in the bar were drinking heavily on shots and were clearly planning to get really drunk. After eating and paying, I called the waiter and asked if he wanted to earn a little extra money. I asked him to come up to these girls 10 minutes after we left and tell them that a stranger had called the bar and asked me to tell them that their car was scratched and that they should park somewhere else. I didn’t scratch the car!

I later found out that after this news the girls went crazy, started screaming, swearing, ran out into the street and even called the police. The police arrived, found no damage to the car, but noticed the girls who were no longer in a condition to drive. They drove away, drove around and came back to watch the car. After a while the girls left the bar, got into the car, started up… Ta-dam! Everyone to the station for drunk driving. The best thing I ever spent my money on.